A Personal Transformation Due to Industrial Placement in Mental Healthcare

Interacting with the mental health care users transformed my perception towards the mental patients The community terms the mentally ill people as madr This was my perception until I interacted with them in the mental care unit. The learning experience revealed to me that those whom we refer as mad in the society are just patients like any other. The application of the therapy and skills] learned in class proved that mental illness is curable. In one of my sessions with the hospital psychiatrist, he told me that we are all mad, but the mental health specialists stand a better chance to understand their mad fellowsr During my placement, I interacted with a wide range of mentally ill patients, each giving me a new experience.

At the end of the clinical placement, [had learned how to handle people with diverse personality This knowledge was also essential in my social life outside my profession, getting additional skills to handle different people in real-life According to Moagi et.al, (360-362), most people perceive mental health care as more of a career.

Even in my courses, I used to imagine how I will have the best life working as a nurse, earning money and developing my life and family.

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However, the placement changed my perception towards healthcare. The sufferings that the mental patients go through developed empathy and passion to care for them. The experience builds up anxiety, to care for human life and health. I adapted to the nursing profession, with the encounter revealing to me that I should apply the skills I learn to create awareness of mental health care within the society and put the mental health of others in the frontline At my last month of the placement, I found myself spending much of my time with the patients up to late hours, all to ensure their health and safety.

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The supervised clinical work gave me a guided approach to mental health care. Initially, I thought I was fully competent, having been taught all about mental health care in class.

However, I realized that applying the theory into practice was far much different, I had the idea of the therapies to mental health care, and how to do it, but I had never had a chance to practice this, I found myself shivering and tense when administering Electro Convulsive therapy to a 78- year»old man suffering from schizophrenia. l was exposed to a series of activities involving diagnosing, treating and managing the behavior of the patients These build up confidence in me, building more skills and enlighten me on alternative medications and therapies in mental health care I came across new therapies that are used in the metal healthcare but are not taught in class. Among other additional skills I learned was how to use the electronic health record (EHR) systems to collect, store and retrieve patients’ information At the end of my placement, I was competent in all the undertakings of a mental health care unit, with full confidence and capable of handling all sorts of patients The success of the industrial placement was facilitated by the mental health care unit and my supervisor, It was training and learning session, with all forms of resources needed.

I was availed with information concerning procedures and practices of mental health care, including the code of conduct and ethics in mental health care The research department also developed a new approach to mental health care, enlightening me on how to conduct a research and access research materials that are necessary for mental health care. In general, industrial placement should be encouraged in any learning course. Clinical placement is essential in the healthcare profession It gives a chance for the students to apply theories they learn in class into practice, exposing them to the real world of healthcare with a couple of new skills The experiences practitioners go through reveal to them the real nature of the work ahead of them, giving them confidence and changing their perceptions towards their profession Clinical placement is a life-changing experience that every scholar should undergo, as an initiation to their profession.

The success of this process can only be guaranteed by support from the healthcare facility. It is important to avail the resources to the practitioners, supporting them through their learning process and engaging them in every activity that pertains their profession. Work cited Moagi, Miriam, Elsie Janse van Rensburg, and Jeanette Maritzr ”Student nurses' experiences of the clinical psychiatric learning environment in an educational institution" A qualitative study of nursing student experiences of clinical practice,"  "Experiences by student nurses during clinical placement in psychiatric units in a hospital.

Updated: Aug 17, 2022
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A Personal Transformation Due to Industrial Placement in Mental Healthcare. (2022, Aug 17). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-personal-transformation-due-to-industrial-placement-in-mental-healthcare-essay

A Personal Transformation Due to Industrial Placement in Mental Healthcare essay
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