America in The Mid-1800's

During the mid-1800s, the United States has prospered into an extremely strong, independent, and brave nation, this is due to three simple events that pushed the United States into becoming the global superpower it is today. These three events include, but not limited to: vast economic improvements; the horrific war of 1812; and finally the westward expansion. These are all part of what is commonly known as "Manifest Destiny". Many events took action in between each reason.

During the making of the United States, there have been numerous economic improvements.

The first economic improvement that impacted the people that were living in the United States was this First National Bank of the United States. This First National Bank was necessary because the government had a large amount of debt after the Revolutionary War. They wanted to pay back every cent but did not know how to. This bank opened on December 12, 1791, in Philadelphia. The Bank acted as if a federal government’s financial agent.

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The bank transferred government money to the bank’s branch network, securing the government’s funds, collected tax revenues, make loans to the government, transferred government deposits through the bank’s branch network, and paid the government’s bills. But that's not all the bank did. In addition to helping the government, this Bank did a lot more than just operate for the government it also operated as a what seemed like a commercial bank. This meant that this bank deposited and accepted bills from the public as well as make loans to private citizens along with businesses.

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This helped the people who were living in the United States as well as the government.

Not only did the First National Bank have a huge effect on how the United States became a strong independent nation, but the American System did as well. What is the American System? The American System was an important plan that was used to nourish as well as unify the nation. In 1824, Henry Clay was the very first person to use the term “American System" when he spoke. Although he had previously been working on the specifics of the American System for many years prior. This was a new form of something called federalism. This included the evolution of a new system of internal improvements. Along with the evolution of a new system but also maintaining high public land prices for a federal income. The plan boosted the bank with extremely protective tariffs that raised prices a bunch of imported goods. They did this in order to benefit native manufacturers. This also contributed to helping gather money so the United States could pay back their debts from the war. This was important because the United States had a large amount of debt after the Revolutionary war.

Along with the American system, the First Industrial Revolution also contributed a significant role in how the United States became a powerhouse of independence as it is seen in today's eyes. The very beginning of the American Industrial Revolution is often credited to an extremely creative man that goes by the name of Samuel Slater. Salter, in 1790, unlocked the first industrial mill in the United States with a blueprint that borrowed heavily from a British model. Slater's pirated this technology incredibly increased the time in which cotton thread could be spun into a ball of yarn. While he introduced new technology to the United States, the true takeoff of the Industrial Revolution required several other elements before it would change American life as we know it. The Industrial Revolution was the most indeed extremely important thing that has happened in human history since well forever. Before the Industrial Revolution boomed, each and every generation of individuals made about the same amount of products to their predecessors and overall economic wealth was fairly stagnant. After the boom of industrialization, production began to grow quite quickly and it generally continued to grow each and every years before. The main thing that happened during the Industrial Revolution was that machines were developed that could perform many of the jobs and tasks that had been done by people before the industrial revolution happened. This helped to keep everything taking an extremely long time to make. The Industrial Revolution was by far the most important thing that has happened in human history since the time when animals and plants were domesticated. This was very important to the people living here because this came with new job opportunities. New job opportunities were extremely important to the people living in the United States. New job opportunities would attract people into moving closer so they can work in these factories.

Although Economic Improvements did have a huge impact on how the U.S. became stronger, the War of 1812 as well played such a massive role in how the United States became a strong nation. The War of 1812 was inspired mainly by the British. British restrictions on U.S. trade and America’s wishes to expand its territory far beyond. In June 1812, The United States had finally declared war against Great Britain. This was due to reactions to three strong issues. These issues include but not limited to: the British economic blockade of France, the induction of thousands of American seamen into the British Royal Navy against their will, and the British support of hostile Indian tribes along the Great Lakes frontier. Therefore, the war of 1812 was sparked by these three key events. There was a huge massive political change after the war. James Monroe passed the Monroe Doctrine in 1823. This document states that no European country can colonize any North and South continent country. He did this because the British came and intruded with us and due to those actions resulted in a war. This document was made in hopes that no more wars would break out.

This patriotism grew throughout the Americans living in the United States like a wildfire spreading throughout a forest. Which helped create a stronger nation. What is "patriotism"? Patriotism is a strong emotional connection to a nation which an individual recognizes as their home. Due to the effects after the War of 1812, there was a major boom in patriotism and pride throughout the United States. The War of 1812 promoted a strong sense of national pride among all of the American people, and those patriotic feelings are reflected and preserved in the song we know today as the U.S. national anthem. They called the period after the War of 1812 “an era of good feeling”. This was because during this time people were proud to live in the United States and had a great amount of pride in their homeland. The Star-Spangled Banner was written at this time by the one and only Francis Scott Key in 1814. The Star-Spangled Banner, or The National Anthem, explained how the United States and its people came together after the war and stood by each other loving their country. This song showed how the people of the United States were proud of their country.

During this time is also when manufacturing increased quite quickly throughout the United States and began to boom. Manufacturing Started to begin to really boom in the United States. This boom in manufacturing started in the beginning 30 years of the 1800s. In 1970 a man called Samuel Slater built the first Industrial factory in The United States, America. Salter based his factory on the secrets of textile manufacturing that he brought To the United States from far away from England. The factory he built, a cotton-spinning mill, was soon run simply by water-power. This simple water-powered run mill was located in In Rhode Island. Over the next few generations, textile factories were the dominant industry in the United States. In 1798, A man, Eli Whitney, who in the year of 1792 had created the cotton gin. This reaction of the cotton gin contributed to one of the most important components of the industrial age. He came up with the idea of making guns simply using only interchangeable parts. interchangeable parts are parts that are, for practical purposes, identical. They are made to specifications that ensure that they are so nearly identical that they will fit into any assembly of the same type. Which shows why they would be very good to use when making guns.

The idea of interchangeable parts had been early raised in Europe, but it took an American to successfully put the concept out there. This concept was snatched by one industry after industry after an industry for a very long continuous time. Canals and railways construction played an important role in transporting people and cargo west or wherever they wanted to go. Yet also increasing the size of the US marketplace. With the new infrastructure or even remote parts of the country gained the ability to communicate and establish trade relationships with the centers of commerce in the East. In 1804, Oliver Evans developed a high-pressure steam engine that was adaptable to a great variety of industrial purposes. Within a few years, it powered ships, sawmills, flour mills, printing presses as well as textile factories. This helped get across seas easier And later helped make some of the coast guard ships.

Westward Expansion was another huge part of how the United States became a more powerful nation. This brings us into the topic of the Louisiana purchase. The Louisiana Purchase was 530,000,000 acres of land in North America that the United States purchased from France for about $15 million in the year of 1803. This was a very large amount of land and was purchased it for a very large amount of money. During this time the United States was spreading across the population as a wildfire spreads across a forest The United States spread through the Mississippi River, and even farther than that and continued to spread continuously. Since the date 1762, Spain had long owned the territory of Louisiana. This land included 828,000 square miles. This was an extremely large amount of land at this time of era. This amount of land made up all of the fifteen modern U.S. states that exist between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. Which explains why everyone wanted this land. If you think about it, it's like a monopoly game. Think of the Louisiana territory as the best property on the board. Everyone in the game is going to want that property. The Pinckney treaty of 1795, had explained some arguments that Spain and the United States had over the right to navigate the Mississippi River.

As well as the right for Americans to transfer their goods to ocean-going vessels at New Orleans. With this Pinckney treaty in place and the Spanish empire was extremely weak. Just like in a monopoly game if your opponents are weak with money you have a better chance being able to gain the property. Just like in the monopoly game a weak empire in control of the territory of Louisiana, American statesmen felt safe that the United States’ westward expansion would not be restricted in the near future. This situation was soon threatened by a man named Napoleon Bonaparte’s. Bonaparte’s plan was to revive the French empire in the New World. He planned to recapture the valuable sugar colony of St. Domingue from the slave rebellion it was as well as use Louisiana as the granary for his empire. France had acquired Louisiana from Spain in the late 1800s and took possession in early 1802. This resulted in sending a large French army to St. Domingue and also getting ready to send another to the great New Orleans.

Westerners became very anxious about having the more-powerful French in control of New Orleans. The President at this time, Thomas Jefferson, noted this, “There is on the globe one single spot, the possessor of which is our natural and habitual enemy. It is New Orleans.” What does this make you think? What does this quote mean to you? This quote in fact shows that we all had our eyes on the Louisiana territory. Just like everyone has their eyes on the most valuable property in monopoly. Along with making military preparations for conflict in the Mississippi Valley, Jefferson sent James Monroe to join Robert Livingston in France to try to purchase New Orleans and West Florida for as much as $10 million. Moore ended up Failing that. Then They were going to attempt to create a military alliance with England. During this time, the French Army in St. Domingue was being decimated by “yellow fever”. Yellow fever is a virus that is found in tropical and subtropical areas of Africa and South America. The virus is spread to people by the bite of an infected mosquito., and war between France and England still threatened. Napoleon decided to give up his plans for Louisiana. He then offered a surprised Monroe and Livingston the entire territory of Louisiana for $15 million.

Although this far exceeded their instructions from President Jefferson, they agreed to it. When news of the sale reached the United States, the West was thrilled. President Jefferson, on the other hand, was in a bit of a dilemma. He had always advocated strict loyalty to the letter of the Constitution, yet there was no provision empowering him to purchase this territory. Given the public support for the purchase and the obvious value of Louisiana to the future growth of the United States Jefferson decided to ignore the legalistic interpretation of the Constitution and continue the passage of a Constitutional amendment to validate the purchase. This decision contributed to the principle of implied powers of the federal government.

Soon later war broke out against Mexico in May of 1846. During this time the United States Army numbered about 8,000, but soon 60,000 volunteers joined their ranks. The American Navy dominated the sea. The economy of the expanding United States far surpassed that of the fledgling Mexican state. Morale was on the American side. The war was a rout. Polk directed the war from Washington, D.C. He sent a 4-prong attack into the Mexican heartland 00. John Fremont and Stephen Kearny were sent to control the coveted lands of California and New Mexico. Fremont led a group of zealous Californians to declare independence even before word of hostilities reached the West. The "Bear Flag Republic" was not taken seriously, but Fremont and his followers did march to Monterey to capture the Mexican presidio or fort. By 1847, California was secure. Meanwhile, Kearny led his troops into Santa Fe in August of 1846 causing the governor of New Mexico to flee. The city was captured without a single casualty. Soon he marched his army westward across the desert to join Fremont in California. The attack on Mexico proper was left to two other commanders. Zachary Taylor crossed the Rio Grande with his troops upon Polk's order. He fought Santa Anna's troops successfully on his advance toward the heart of Mexico. Winfield Scott delivered the knockout punch. After invading Mexico at Vera Cruz, Scott's troops marched to the capital, Mexico City.

All that remained was negotiating the terms of peace. At home, the Whigs of the north complained bitterly about the war. Many questioned Polk's methods as misleading and unconstitutional. Abolitionists rightly feared that southerners would try to use newly acquired lands to expand slavery. Antiwar sentiment emerged in New England much as it had in the War of 1812. Writer Henry David Thoreau was sentenced to prison for refusing to pay the taxes he knew were used to fund the war effort. His essay titled, Civil Disobedience, became a standard of peaceful resistance for future activists. The Mexican-American War was formally concluded by the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. The United States received the disputed New Mexico, as well as the California and Texas territory. The Mexican government was paid a rough amount of $15 million. Keep in mind that the same amount of money was issued to France for the Louisiana territory. A few years later the United States won a huge victory against Mexico. Even though there was a large number of people killed in the war, the military won every engagement of the war. Mexico was then stripped of half of its territory and was not consoled by the monetary settlement.

In August of 1846, Kearny led his army into Santa Fe causing them to quickly retreat. The city was then captured without a single casualty. Which was good for both sides. This was good for the United States because they didn't lose any of their soldiers during this fight. Soon he marched his army westward across the desert to join Fremont in California. The attack on Mexico proper was left to two other commanders. Zachary Taylor crossed the Rio Grande with his troops upon Polk's order. He fought Santa Anna's troops successfully on his advance toward the heart of Mexico. Winfield Scott delivered the knockout punch. After invading Mexico at Vera Cruz, Scott's troops marched to the capital of Mexico, Mexico City. All that remained was talk of terms of peace. At home, in the U.S. the Whigs of the north complained bitterly about the war. Many questioned Polk's methods as misleading and unconstitutional. They pondered if what he was doing was a good choice for both the people serving as well as the U.S. as a whole. Writer Henry David Thoreau was sent to prison for refusing to pay the taxes. Even though he refused to pay the taxes he knew where used to fund the war effort. Henry David wrote an essay and became a standard of peaceful resistance for future activists. The Mexican-American War was formally concluded by the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. The United States received the disputed Texas territory, as well as New Mexico territory and California. The Mexican government was paid $15 million — the same sum issued to France for the Louisiana Territory. The United States Army won a grand victory. Although suffering 13,000 killed, the military won every engagement of the war. Mexico was stripped of half of its territory and was not consoled by the monetary settlement.
The California Gold Rush was another leading contributor to how the United States became the strong nation it is today.

In 1984 an important man named James Wilson Marshall discovered gold. He discovered gold while constructing a sawmill along the American River. The simple spark that ignited the gold rush occurred in late May 1848. San Francisco's harbor was one of the main sites to find gold and, was soon cluttered with ships deserted by their crews and left by their lowesome. These crew members would abandon their jobs in hope of finding a new career in finding gold. For example, two newspaper companies were forced to close their doors due to their staffs were catching the gold fever. The “gold fever” is when people would leave their jobs and try to find gold. A lot of them hoped they would find some gold but most, unfortunately, didn't. This caused a large crowd of people to move to an area that supposedly had gold. This helped contribute to people taking a risk and moving out to the United States to look for gold. Which it did, people from all over moved to the United States in hopes of making it rich and finding gold. This worked for some people however some people did not make it rich and found no gold.

In conclusion, the United States was made into the global superpower it is today due to the economic improvements, the War of 1812, the Industrial Revolution, and the westward expansion. These all helped to created the Strong, brave, independent nation that we know today. This is how the United States became a strong nation after it became independent.

Updated: Mar 11, 2022
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