The device contained Dr Companion - Nurse Edition

Categories: Nursing

Technology is an ever changing tool that is used by a multitude of careers throughout the world. As time passes, technology advances and with it, helps to make the jobs of those who use it vastly easier. In the following article “Experience of Mobile Devices in Nursing Practice” by Johansson, Petersson, Saveman, and Nilsson, we will review the study conducted using mobile devices in the nursing work place and see that the vast majority of nurses prefer using this technology.

In order to review what can be learned in the study we must first look at how the study was conducted.

To start, the test was conducted over the course of 15 weeks with technical support along that time frame using 14 nurses (11 female and 3 male) and 5 nursing students (4 female and 1 male) of varying ages, unit floors, and experience in the medical field and with computers. The device that was used in order to conduct the test was the Palm TX. “In addition to the content and functions in the Dr Companion - Nurse Edition, the mobile device contained the usual functions, such as a word processing program, a calculator and a calendar, and one could enter and download one's own notes and documents into the mobile device.” Second, we need to look at the technology used within the device.

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“The device contained Dr Companion - Nurse Edition (DC-NE) containing FASS (an encyclopedia with detailed information about the medicines which have been granted marketing authorization in Sweden), a search function for multi-drug interaction, national guidelines of clinical recommendations, medicine calculator, laboratory test reference, and medical reference .” All participants in the study were given an introduction day where they were provided all of the information needed in order to participate, such as a prequestionnaire, the mobile device they would use in the study and any technical training needed (Johansson, pg. 2).”

Next comes the results of the test conducted.

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Majority of the participants found that the mobile devices used were useful in saving time, receiving information on patients easier, increase quality of work, patient safety, and overall gave them more confidence in their work. For the post-questionnaire that was conducted, participants stated, “Saving time when looking for information, time which could be used to talk to the patient and provide them with the care they need. Saving time when looking for information, time which could be used to talk to the patient and provide them with the care they need.” The few that didn’t felt that they either didn’t have enough time, was not better than what was already being used, or simply did not fit with the task they were preforming, However, for the most part, both the device and the programs were met with overwhelmingly positive reviews. Thus, given the information found both in the quotes of this study and the table that can also be found within, the vast majority of nurses (both working and student) found both the device itself, and the technology within it, to be more useful than the older techniques and paperwork that was originally done.

In conclusion, technology and its advancements can help pave the way to make a nurse’s job easier. This can be done by giving nurses quick, real time access to patient information and history, drug information, calculators to verify correct dosing and anything else that is required of them in order to complete their task. As technology advances further, from paper to computers and now to mobile devices such as phones and tablets, time or even life saving information can be given to medical professionals in the blink of an eye and help not only make their lives easier but to also save those who only have seconds to spare in life and death situations.

Updated: Aug 11, 2022
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The device contained Dr Companion - Nurse Edition. (2022, Aug 11). Retrieved from

The device contained Dr Companion - Nurse Edition essay
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